Care Home Training.
Get the required training you need to open or manage an adult foster care home in Oregon. For homes licensed through the Aging & People with Disabilities (APD) program.
Your former students...speak great things about you. You are transforming lives.
- Former EQC Student
Ensuring Quality Care (EQC) Online
EQC - Group Classes
Pre-Service Dementia
Care Home Conference
About Ensuring Quality Care (EQC)
EQC is a required course for anyone who wants to become a licensee, co-licensee, administrator, or resident manager in an adult care home in Oregon licensed through the Aging & People with Disabilities (APD) program.
This is a State-certified EQC course and valid for all counties in Oregon. Our course is taught by State-certified instructors.
Online EQC Course
This course has been truly valuable. The insights and knowledge provided have given me a deeper understanding...The content is comprehensive, well-structured, and delivered effectively. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their skills in AFH administration. |
We provide an Online EQC Course option for both Essentials only and the complete EQC course (Essentials plus Administration). The course is fully online and flexible with the timeframe - students have access for 30 days to Essentials and an additional 30 days for Administration. Email: [email protected]
Cost: Includes fully-online access for the course, State exams, and additional access to the course content:
Interested? Please follow BOTH steps below: Step #1: Complete the ONLINE EQC INTEREST FORM (click the blue hyperlink to open the form)
How do I get the registration link? After attending one of the Online EQC Success Webinars, students will receive the link and information to register and start the course. |
EQC - Group Courses
Pre-Service Dementia Training..Pre-Service Dementia training reinforces how important person-centered care is in an adult foster home. - January 2022 participant |
Register for our self-paced Pre-Service Dementia Training.
This is a required course for all adult foster home staff. Our course has been approved by the State of Oregon and has been developed specifically for adult foster care home staff. Time commitment is 2.5 to 3 hours. Click here for training information. |
Visit our Conference Page for more information.
What is Ensuring Quality Care (EQC)?
Ensuring Quality Care (EQC) is a two-part, 50-hour training required by the State of Oregon for all prospective adult foster home licensees, resident managers, floating resident managers, and shift caregivers who are looking to open or work in an adult foster home in Oregon. Prospective licensees, resident managers, and shift caregivers are required to both successfully complete the EQC course and pass the EQC exam, which is proctored virtually.
How does your individual option course work?
Our individual option course is the same as our condensed, standard online group course; however, it is available at any time. We screen potential students and require that students attend an information/preparation session prior to enrolling in the course. You, or your staff will have access to the course as soon as you register and will have a specific number of days complete the course, plus access to the content for an additional week to study for the exam. The exam is currently offered online only and is virtually proctored through Zoom. Email i[email protected] for more information.
It has been a wonderful journey. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and helping me on this journey.
From the bottom of my heart, you guys did a wonderful job. Keep it up!